Thursday, August 08, 2024

Good Karma

I was out walking yesterday, my daily constitutional, and on turning a corner around a row of houses I heard a feint male voice saying "help, help". At first I couldn't see where it was coming from but as I scanned around I noticed an old grey haired chap on his knees in the middle of a rose bush/plant in his front garden, I went over to him and he looked up and said "please help me I've fallen and I can't get up". As I surveyed the scene there was a large ceramic pot on it's side next to him and alarmingly quite a bit of blood on his face and arm, the rose was a large spikey thing climbing up the front wall of his house. 

Anyway, I managed to get him up with a classic Heimlich-like manoeuvre (under-arm lift) and had a proper look at his wounds, they looked worse than they were, he'd obviously fallen forwards while on his knees and face planted into the rose plant, he'd also scraped his arm on the bricks of the wall, probably trying to break his fall! I stayed with him until he'd calmed down a bit, he was quite an old chap, and once he was settled and cleaned up a tad I left him to it. While we were chatting he told me that he was due to go on holiday the next day and that his daughter would "kill him", we had a chuckle. When I got home I told my daughter the tale and she said that I'd probably get some good karma now, it did make me think, does someone always have to have bad karma for another person to get the good stuff? 

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