Saturday, August 24, 2024


I saw this photo on the interwebs the other day, it took me while to figure out what it was but eventually I got there. It's the top of one of the great pyramids in Egypt but looking down on it from above (probably a drone shot). Anyway as you can see the much vaunted "precision" with which these structures are endowed is somewhat of an illusion. I was fortunate to visit them back in the 80s, it was a big surprise to me, after seeing the classic (smooth looking) photo's, that the individual blocks that make up the structure were so huge and so random, the whole thing is more or less a pile of ill fitting blocks. It's unsurprising this is the case, bearing in mind the technologies the ancients had available to them, and in no way diminishes the achievement, but care is needed when making assumptions about things when observing from a distance, it's all about resolution.

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