Tuesday, August 06, 2024

X marks the spot


I see that Elon Musk is getting into an online spat with our Prime Minister over some comments he made on Twitter (I still call it that!) He said that "civil war in the UK is inevitable", then when Starmer said that "We will not tolerate attacks on mosques or on Muslim communities" Musk replied with "Shouldn't you be concerned about attacks on *all* communities". Since then the Government seems to be mobilising all kinds of people to attack the "social media platforms" and to suggest that they are culpable because they spread "hateful misinformation and incitement". I'm pretty sure that Elon Musk knows very little about UK culture or politics and his views should probably be seen in that context (i.e. ignored) but now I see that there are some calling for his company to be fined, he clearly has certain people rattled.

Now, obviously things are somewhat heated currently and call me paranoid but whenever Governments (of any stripe) endeavour to shut down channels of communication (of any flavour) my spider senses start tingling! It seems obvious to me that the Government is thrashing around somewhat, not really understanding or getting to grips with what's going on. They seem to be intent on using the stick rather than the carrot and in a rather unbalanced way, and I'm sensing way too much cognitive dissonance for comfort.

There seems to be two conflicting things going on in these left leaning brains right now, firstly, whatever they do and say they make sure to virtue signal support for ethnic minorities, particularly Muslims, perhaps they're paranoid people might call them racists if they don't do that?  Secondly they won't readily admit that allowing (or failing to prevent) the illegal immigration of hundreds of thousands of (mostly brown skinned) people of unknown origin, then shelling out billions of pounds of taxpayers cash putting them up indefinitely in hotels is in anyway problematic, dysfunctional or disadvantageous to the people already living here, when clearly it is.

There was a similar landscape with the Rochdale rape gangs, the police didn't go after the perps properly because of the fear that they would be labelled racist, and yet at the same time young girls, some only 12-13 years old, were getting groomed and raped over many years! The report from the enquiry into Rochdale (among other places) concluded that these girls were seriously "let down" by both the council and the police, who seemed to let the abuse go on unchallenged even though many people blew the whistle on the criminals over many years.

Are we currently witnessing the same kind of dissonance? I fear that many people will be perceiving two tier media reporting and two tier police action in response to this issue. There are two sides to this, there always is, and in my humble opinion the legal line between protestor and thug should be blind to skin colour and/or religion. We should abhor thugs of any flavour, ignorant Neanderthals the lot of them, however, I believe the NON racist thing to do here is for journalists to report on, and police to arrest thugs of any race, religion or skin colour in the exact same way! I don't believe that's happening right now, which is fuelling even more rage in those that have a dog in this fight, emboldening one side and enraging the other, it's can't end well on this trajectory.

If Starmer were receiving advice that was a little more "street-wise" I think he would change his strategy to more obviously show true impartiality. He could do this by going after violent Muslim gangs and Antifa thugs as strongly as he seems to be gunning for the football hooligans, only then will both sides of this see that race isn't a factor and will therefore become less able to hide behind that label or use it as a selection mechanism for violence and thuggery. Let's hope he can get a grip of this soon.

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