Saturday, April 21, 2018

Keep it down..

We had our annual company day yesterday, it's basically a once a year meeting when we all get together and talk about stuff, what happened last year, what's going to happen next year etc., then we go do something fun. This year we all learned how to do "Brazilian street drumming" which, I must say, was really loud, but really good fun! 

After a quick drill from our instructor about keeping time and getting into a groove we all followed along with different instruments and created a kind of sunny "Samba" vibe with whistles, drums, shakers, bells and various things that you have to hit, shake or blow, all in deepest Berkshire! It's amazing what depth and breadth of music can be created by lots of people all doing something relatively simple but layering it all together to form a single piece. After the group work we split up into teams and had to come up with our own tune, they were all surprisingly good and it got the competitive juices flowing!

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