Wednesday, November 10, 2021

So "Meta"

The technology industry, particularly the software part of it, is often a victim of it's own over-optimism, or as a cynic would say "marketing". How many times have we been told that a culture shattering, life-altering new paradigm is just around the corner only to be underwhelmed by over-hyped rubbish, delivered late. The latest BS is circling around the recent announcement by Facebook that it's renaming it's holding company "Meta" which is short for the "Metaverse" or (essentially) virtual reality software running at a global scale where everyone can interact (assuming you buy the appropriate equipment and licenses) The appeal of this would seem limited to me. Don't get me wrong, I'm always up for the latest idea or gadget but have developed a rather skeptical eye as I've gotten older, things tend to come in cycles and when you've seen previous iterations pass through and die you tend to be able to compare and contrast a little more readily than other less informed or younger enthusiasts. 

Facebook purchased Oculus Rift (a VR headset manufacturer) a few years ago and I suspect this new vehicle is an attempt to get some kind of return on that investment while at the same time distract everyone from the increasingly toxic brand that Facebook is becoming. In terms of software I see nothing new, same old FPS games with ever crisper graphics but little in the way of compulsion. I always thought there would be much more mileage among geeks to have games that involved specific themes, for example simulating the star ship enterprise on a specific mission (i.e. with a goal) and each player having to play a specific role (i.e. navigator or science officer etc.). This strikes me as far more compelling than simply and randomly wandering through a post-apocalyptic landscape blowing things up? Anyway no doubt we'll see lot's of copy-cat "meta" junk in the industry for a few years now, i.e. before it becomes a busted flush..


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