Thursday, December 21, 2023

Merry Christmas

Sometimes life deals people a really crappy hand. 

I sometimes feel like if I died tomorrow I'd be quite happy with mine, having reached the ripe old age of 61 I can honestly say I've had a fair run at things and possess a great memory bank of experiences that gives me (and hopefully my family & kids) a good deal of pleasure, and is something that no matter what can never be taken from me. The poor chap above (Glynn Simmons) was tried and found guilty of murder and then locked up and sentenced to death in the USA, fortunately he wasn't executed as laws in his state changed and the sentence was commuted to life in prison. He has spent the last 48 years locked up, only to now find that key evidence in his trial was not handed over to the defence lawyers. A judge in Oklahoma recently quashed his conviction and he is now a free man again. Glynn, aged 70, has liver cancer the treatment of which is being funded by charity donations from the public, merry Christmas Glynn.

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