Saturday, September 12, 2009

American anti-idol

I'm looking forward to "Creation"; it looks like a nice little British film about Charles Darwin, it's got some well known actors in it and has its premiere in the UK tomorrow. The film has already opened the Toronto film festival and has been sold in almost every country around the world, except America. So what can we conclude from this snub, that the factual account of the life of one of the greatest minds ever to grace this planet is too "hot to handle" for 21st Century American minds? ignorance is bliss apparently.

Several US based "Christian" movie sites that review films from a "Christian" perspective have produced damning albeit ignorant reviews of the film already, here is an example of one of them, described Darwin as the father of eugenics and denounced him as "a racist, a bigot and an 1800s naturalist whose legacy is mass murder". His "half-baked theory" directly influenced Adolf Hitler and led to "atrocities, crimes against humanity, cloning and genetic engineering"

What a pile of poo!; it's incredible that supposedly educated people in 2009 continue to think in this delusional way, but as I said in my last post about 9-11, when you have "faith" anything is possible.

For the more enlightened among us the film is released in the UK on the 25th September; I'll be hopefully reviewing it in early October.


Chairman Bill said...

Creationists are no more than flat-earthers. Relics.

Steve Borthwick said...

Like flat-earthers with power and money though, unfortunately for the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

Now Steve. Let's not be silly. Some of us with "faith" look forward to the film. We are not all batty Americans. Some of us are bonkers enough to belong to the Church of England.

Steve Borthwick said...

Ivan, welcome, quite right nothing controversial that I can see; shame our American cousins don't think so.

Elizabeth said...

Steve, tell me when it comes out anywhere near us. I'd like to see it, and I'm one of your American cousins.

Steve Borthwick said...

E, I will do!

Some of your countrymen do need a slap around the cheek and a good shake to break them from their spell; followed by a nice hot cup of tea and a friendly chat of course :)

Steven Carr said...

While some Christians are creationists, modern Christians are far more savvy than the author of Luke's Gospel who gave a genealogy of Jesus all the way back to Adam.

Give Christians some credit for advancing in knowledge since Jesus was alive.

In the past 2000 years, there have been advances in theology which would amaze Jesus.

Steve Borthwick said...

Steven, I agree, we should give credit where it is due, Newton, Mendel, Darwin were all Christians which supports your point, but could you say it was their Christianity that lead them to their amazing discoveries or their reasoning ability as humans?

We are the sum of our parts of course, but I think generally speaking knowledge advances over time, you need to put something in the way in order to stop it, like "faith" for example.

Steven Carr said...

For some reason, Christians do claim that theology is a real subject where advances are made, not realising that this leaves their Jesus of 2000 years ago believing things which are now claimed to be untrue.

For example,the author of Luke clearly believed Adam was a real person, while modern Christians claim a real Christian does not take those stories as history.

So every advance in theology busts the claim that people should be a follower of Jesus, just as every advance in science busts the claim that Aristotle should be our authority on science.

Steve Borthwick said...

Steven, that's a very interesting point, thanks!

I am intrigued how advances in theology might be judged, for example how would you measure the "advance" of people like Luther over Aquinas for example?

With science the shear utility of it makes this easy, i.e. the ship floats or it sinks etc.