Thursday, March 12, 2020

Oculudentavis khaungraae

Amazing discovery in Myanmar of the smallest dinosaur ever found. The fossil was spotted in a piece of amber, exactly like the scenario in the blockbuster film "Jurassic Park", hopefully it wasn't bought by a megalomaniacal bond villain who owns an uninhabited tropical island! Of course the little critter looks very much like a small bird, about the size of a hummingbird, and may even answer some of the questions around how birds evolved from dinosaurs that tended to be much bigger in size. I have no doubt that the creationists out there will be droning on about how this is "just a bird", but if you look close enough (CT scan below) you can see that, among other unique non-avian features, this little creature had teeth, something birds simply don't have, a clear example of a transitional species.

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