Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Appointed by God

I see that a poll last year showed that 30% of Protestants in the USA believed that Trump was appointed by God! You may think that such a bat-shit crazy idea would never catch on and people couldn't possibly be that stupid, well, only in America! Apparently the figure has risen to 50%, yes, HALF of the (white) Protestant population believe that a money grabbing, adulterous, misogynistic huckster is, in fact, the representative on Earth of the supposed arbiter of morality and creator of the universe. Well, all I can say is "Thor help us"! 

Mind you, if it turns out to be true it would confirm most of the stuff written about Yahweh in the scriptures, who also seems to value adoration and compliance over everything else, is totally inconsistent, communicates incoherent messages and is partial to wiping out millions of innocents on the basis of a temper tantrum. 

On second thoughts, perhaps they have a point?

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