Tuesday, November 03, 2020

Pulling focus


Interesting podcast from Sam Harris on why people might be attracted to Trump. Like a lot of us Harris has been somewhat baffled by why so many people in the USA are willing to overlook the obvious character flaws in someone like Trump, in fact why so many of them see these flaws as strengths when literally the other 50% of the population see them for what they are, delusion, ego and greed. His conclusion is obvious (when you hear it) but scary, and really only makes sense against the backdrop of the current narrative from the left. The two sides of this cultural penny go something like this.. 

Right leaning Trump supporters know that Trump cannot morally judge them, it's obvious that almost regardless of the substance of your own petty hates, dubious opinions and absence of factual competence Trump represents a moral "safe-space", Trump is "fat, pussy grabbing Jesus". 

On the left we see the exact opposite, nothing but sanctimony and judgement, not only are you homophobic, racist, Islamophobic and sexist you are clearly not worthy of your privilege. You are also responsible for the crimes of your forefathers, slavery, colonialism, inequality, it's all on you! If you're a cis, white, heterosexual male then you must be scum, the lowest of the low, so buy your BLM tee shirt and bend your fucking knee!

I'm not sure I like where this thought track might be headed, but I can't say I disagree.

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