Monday, November 02, 2020

Tasteful notes..

Ha, ha, it always amuses me how some people react to wine/beer tasting notes (and the whole idea of recording taste experiences etc.), it's a real marmite kind of thing, some people love them others think they're a bunch of pretentious nonsense. I've noticed over the years that to many people, food and drink is just seen as fuel, sure, it shouldn't be unpleasant but beyond that they don't really think about it. For others (including me) there's much more to it, a complex landscape that begs to be thoughtfully explored and assessed. I've always enjoyed trying to capture the experience of tasting things, especially wine but also food etc. for me it's like a little time capsule and really interesting to read through old notes, it brings back memories of the events, the people, the times etc. However, like a lot of things in life, they probably shouldn't be taken too seriously, as 2020 unfolds we're all too aware that there are much more pressing things to get excited about (not!)..


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