Monday, April 08, 2024

London Stories

We spent the day in London yesterday, our Daughter was running her first half marathon (The London Landmarks Half Marathon) and we wanted to cheer her on. It was a fun day, sunny and windy ideal conditions for running! We enjoyed walking from place to place (testing my knowledge of London streets!) to watch the runners weave their way through the ancient and narrow roads of the city. While waiting opposite Cannon Street station, at the 8 mile mark, I noticed the "Forgotten Streams" sculpture which traces the path of one of London's "lost rivers" the Walbrook, so I snapped a picture of it (above).

In Anglo Saxon times this ancient stream used to bisect the city into two hills, Cornhill to the East and Ludgate Hill to the West and is famous for the large number of human skulls discovered in it's sediments during the construction of a new sewer in 1838. Historians have several theories about where these skulls came from, perhaps as a result of the Carausian Revolt in AD 286 or the rebellion of Boudica, or even the ritual deposits of a Celtic cult, anyway it's odd that very few bones other than skulls have been found here.

In the end our day was a great success, our Daughter finished the race in style clocking a time of just a tad over two hours, pretty decent for a first effort I thought! Later in the afternoon we decamped to Ladbrook Grove for a slap up meal in the Pelican pub (see below) to celebrate. The food was great, to start we had a mixture of dishes to share, and then for a main dish I opted for their Chicken and Ham pie which was a delight with cauliflower cheese, gravy and chips.

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