Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Binary issues

It's painfully easy to detest Brexiters and to ridicule their every pronouncement, but, Hanlon’s Razor states that ‘you should never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.' 

Even so, I do wonder how our island society will ever recover from the division caused by this single act, it's very difficult to find common ground on a binary issue. I suppose there are historical precedents for such division, we did have a civil war after all! I guess we should never forget that as a nation, we are quite able to support stupid, irrational, even evil things. The Atlantic slave trade, partitioning of India, the Irish famine, Rupert Murdoch, the restoration of monarchy to name but a few, of course it's difficult to apply the morality/rationality of today to historical events and usually highly subjective (and fruitless), however that doesn't mean that we shouldn't learn from our mistakes and try to use evidence and reason to make decisions rather than emotion and propaganda.


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