Sunday, August 30, 2020

Oh Piers

You have to marvel at the idiocy on display in Trafalgar square yesterday, the so called "conspiracy march" looked like more a festival of losers and frauds. Speakers included "lizard man" David Icke and the dimwitted older brother of Jeremy Corbyn, the climate change denying Piers. Listening to some of the deluded drivel being spewed really does make you reconsider a policy of compulsory sterilization; although most of them would probably claim that the government was already doing that! Piers Corbyn was banging on about his pet theory that Bill Gates is planning to kill people using a Corona Virus vaccine in order to halt climate change (which Piers claims isn't true), you really couldn't make it up; I'm so relieved that his dippy brother didn't get into power, those genes look highly suspect to me. Someone ought to remind Piers that Bill Gates helped eradicate Polio from Africa, a monumental achievement, announced as recently as four days ago. We might ask Piers what he's managed to achieve recently?

Of course the main target of this loony tunes gathering was the virus, or rather the claim that it's all a hoax dreamed up by the Illuminati in order to control our minds or something. Not only is this utterly stupid but highly insulting to the families and friends of people lost to Covid so far and those who died trying to help others. From the look of the photo's of this march, and the lack of PPE on display, it looks like these people don't give a shit about anyone, the arrogance and ignorance on display here beggars belief.

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