Thursday, September 08, 2022


A depressingly sad story floating around the Twittersphere today about a wave of Avian flu that's affecting sea birds in our Western coastal regions at the moment. On the left is a dead Gannet in Pembrokeshire and on the right a similarly deceased bird in Cornwall. It's fascinating that both birds had adopted the exact same position in order to die, it's so wonderfully beautiful and yet desperately sad at the same time. I suppose we should all realise that disease pandemics are a fact of biology and therefore life, we've had our own version of this recently to remind us that we're all just mortal animals on this planet and the same Biological rules apply to Humans as well as Gannets, but still, so sad to see this. The feeling of powerlessness in the face of nature can be quite challenging sometimes and the only antidote that makes any real difference is understanding. The more we learn about these natural phenomenon, what causes them and how they spread, the better equipped we are to perhaps do something about it.


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