Monday, September 12, 2022

Plurality of views

Slightly saddened that a Woman was arrested in Edinburgh apparently for simply holding up an anti-monarchy sign at the accession proclamation of Charles III. Being able to do things like this at a time like this is what democracy and freedom of speech should be about, the sign wasn't about the Queen it was about the institution, and that should be able to be freely criticised! I heard of a couple of other examples of this kind of thing over the weekend, some bloke in Oxford was also arrested after protesting the lack of democracy surrounding Head of State Charles, something that's simply a fact and something that many others often point out, including our current Prime Minister, Liz Truss! (I wonder if the rozzers will be making a beeline for Liz?)

There are many views on Monarchy in this country, we're not a bunch of zombie sheep when it comes to opinions about how we should best organize our society, there's a plurality of views, and that's fine! I hope the police apologize to this Woman (& others) and let her go as soon as possible.

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