Friday, September 09, 2022


Full disclosure, I'm not a Royalist, I dislike the idea that one particular family should "rule" simply by virtue of birth rather than via merit or consent, however, I also believe it's bad manners of the worst kind to disrespect the grief of family and friends of the Queen at such a sad time for them. We all know what it's like to lose a close family member or parent, no matter who you are it's tough. 

I have been particularly impressed by a couple of speeches on the Queen over the last day or so, first I thought that Kier Starmer played a blinder in the House of Commons, you can see that one here. Second, I though that President Macron also made a really thoughtful and powerful speech one which, while obviously possessing a political element, seemed to be truly heart felt, you can see it here.

I hope that King Charles will have thought about how his institution may be modernised further, separation from the Church for example or perhaps more work on helping the disadvantaged in our society using the huge resources and profile of the position to rally charity organisations and Government. There are 280 thousand people sleeping rough in the UK tonight, let that sink in for a moment, and then think about the cost of living crisis that we're about to enter this Winter! Clearly there's a lot more work to do, and once the grieving is done hopefully there's some renewed leadership to be shown.


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