Friday, March 02, 2018

Friday Smirk

New J&M today and as usual pointing out the obvious in a humorous, satirical cartoon. 

Today we see the way in which religion exploits human weaknesses in order to hook them. In this example we have the link between ritual/repetition and the way in which our brains physically organize connections between neurons, the more we do a particular thing the more our brain gets wired to do it without conscious effort. This technique seems to be a particular favourite of Islam, it's even used on children in Madrasas who are forced to chant verses from the Koran over and over again, eventually burning them into their brains. Christianity used to be keen on this but in Western countries has been beaten into submission by a couple of centuries of reform and secularism although I believe that some Catholic schools still indoctrinate children using mind control techniques like this.

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