Friday, June 11, 2021


I came across this interesting page on the interwebs the other day. It's a summary of FLICC or the 5 main techniques of Science denial, the abbreviation stands for (F)ake Experts, (L)ogical Fallacies, (I)mpossible Expectations, (C)herry Picking and (C)onspiracy Theories. There are obviously other ways of denying science, but I struggled to think of any of the main ones that couldn't be categorized under this scheme. 

One of the common examples I come across is the "false analogy" where someone assumes that because one attribute of something is the same or similar to another then all attributes of those two things are the same. A classic example of this is the assertion that because climate has changed naturally in the past that any change now must also be natural. This, of course, is a logical fallacy and when it pertains to the climate crisis a deeply pernicious and ignorant one. Just because one attribute of an entity is the same as another doesn't mean that all attributes are the same, i.e. just because Hitler and Stalin had a moustache doesn't mean all men who have moustaches are psychopaths.... or does it?** 

**conspiracy theory!


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