Friday, August 27, 2021

God on their side?

Imagine being the wife, brother, husband, daughter or parent of a peace-keeping soldier who died in Afghanistan yesterday, just when you thought we were out, boom, another statistic in the clash of civilizations! Words cannot describe their feelings this morning I'm sure. It beggars belief to me that forces like religion, mythology and tribalism are still, in the 21st century, capable of motivating people to strap bombs to themselves and to wander into packed crowds and detonate. It simply confirms the claim that the main victims of Islamic terrorists are Muslims, how ironic! No doubt there are many in Kabul at the moment who feel that their god is with them, they have won after all and driven out the infidel. But then again I guess when you believe without question, reason or logic that you have "god" on your side then you are capable of any atrocity without empathy or conscience.


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