Thursday, February 23, 2023

Sunday Romans

Here's a rather splendid map; it shows (Underground style) all the old Roman roads in the UK. Interestingly (and what sparked my interest) we were walking along the "Devil's Highway" (track number II on the map in Orange) only last weekend as it's just up the road from our house. The route comes out of London, crosses the Thames at Staines and travels through Berkshire (Windsor, Bracknell, Crowthorne, Finchampstead etc.) to the site of Silchester (or Calleva Atrebatum as it was known) an important Roman settlement in what's now Hampshire. 

You can clearly see the route of the old road in a photo of the track that runs through Swinley Forest near Bracknell below, the road is in really good nick at this point as this land has never really been developed that much, belonging to the Crown Estate as it does.

It's amazing to think that we can still tread in the footsteps of Romans only a couple of miles from our hometown, it's a pretty decent Sunday walk too!


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