Tuesday, February 07, 2023

Two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl..


There's trouble brewing over at the ex-Pink Floyd camp! A recent public spat between Roger Waters and the wife of David Gilmour has got the twitteratti all in a lather, the acrid thread between the two ended in the following "no holds barred" tweet from Polly Samson, 

There's a lot of name calling going on here, I guess highly creative, rich and passionate people can be like that, although there's a long back-history of friction between the ying and yang of Gilmour and Waters. I suppose this tension has, to some extent, defined the later years and music of these rock deities. Without these two men continually suing the crap out of each other we wouldn't have had some of the great Floyd albums and concerts of the 90s or the thoughtful solo lyrics and albums of Waters, which are mostly still unsurpassed in my humble opinion, but then again, would we have had something different but equally as good or better? 

We'll never know, and judging by the venom in this latest exchange, sadly, we probably never will.

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