Saturday, May 06, 2023

Order of the long sticks

Just been watching the coronation ceremony on TV, the weather is grim but there seems to be quite a few people turning out in The Mall which is nice to see (i.e. people enjoying themselves) I'm a fairly staunch republican but I do enjoy a bit of history and ceremony when it's on a scale like this, i.e. I can enjoy a good story without believing it's true. It was amusing in parts to see the various sects and interest groups on display in Westminster Abbey, at one point I saw a group of four people sitting together holding 4 long sticks (looked like snooker cues) I can only imagine what "special" significance a long stick has?? Anyway, once alerted to the importance of "sticks" I noticed a whole bunch of them being paraded at different points in the procession and in the service, I guess you're nobody unless you can wield a stick (see below)?

PS. The photo at the top of this page shows the crowds watching the ceremony in Princess Gardens in Edinburgh, they have a different perspective on these things up there, I think they're still pissed off that we nicked their "stone of destiny" for our little show.

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