Thursday, December 15, 2022

Cheers Hitch

Today is the anniversary of the death of one of my favourite polemicists, Christopher Hitchens. I often wonder what he'd make of the past 10 years, how witty his commentary would have been and what pithy put-downs he would have quipped on TV shows and in articles on subjects like "Putin", "Truss", "woke" or "Trump" etc. One thing's for sure, we've certainly fallen from the dizzy heights of 2011 when he died, a time period when we had the first black US president (and an intelligent one) a growing economy, European solidarity, David Bowie, freedom of movement and no major war going on in our own back-yard! 

Hitchens came up with many great one-liners over the years, too many to list, but I think my personal favourite has to be one that's so obvious that it even has it's own name, "Hitchens Razor", i.e. "That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence", an idea so universally true that it should be carved into statue bases the World over, cheers Hitch!

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