Saturday, February 05, 2022

Navigating variety

Had this little belter last night whilst making Friday night supper for the family. Called "Suspended in Azacca" it's a nice 4% hazy session pale ale loaded up with (no surprises) Azacca hops which impart a delicious Mango and citrus flavour to the beer. Local brewery Siren have really hit on something here I reckon. This is is around the 40th version of this beer, each one involving the exact same malt bill and style but different hops or hop combinations, it's a really great way to build a brand (the label design is always the same) that's recognized by punters (the locals just ask for a pint of "suspended") but also a way of introducing different hop flavours. This is something that comes in really handy as you navigate the massive choice of hops in beers these days, especially when you're looking for something you like in a new place where you aren't familiar with the range.


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