Thursday, February 17, 2022

Thursday flower power


While out walking yesterday I couldn't help notice a patch of flowers poking through the dead leaves as I passed by some open ground in between houses. I guess these were crocus plants? Anyway, if they are then a quick google suggests that they should be flowering from "mid-spring" From the look of these examples however, I'd say they've been out for at least a couple of days meaning that they actually flowered in mid-February. Seems on the early side to me? I also couldn't help but notice how warm it was today, around 13 centigrade, I was positively sweating as I cranked out the kilometers in my Winter coat. Still, I see that we're in for a battering from two successive Atlantic depressions over the next couple of days, but with temperatures in double figures at least we won't see any snow or ice! There's always an upside I guess..

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