Saturday, February 19, 2022

Revised Upwards


I remember back in 2015/16 while on holiday in Cornwall I tried a beer from a brewery I'd never heard of called "Verdant". It was a thick gloopy liquid that, looks wise, reminded me of chicken gravy! It tasted weird to me then, I only rated it 2 out of 5 feeling that it was just too funky for me. 

Fast forward 5 years and my palette has most definitely changed (or perhaps matured!) Over that period I've tried more and more styles of beer, particularly hazy hop bombs like the one above, and they've become more available and varied. I have grown to love the style (when done well). The beer I had back then was called "Allen" and I had it again for only the second time last night and my goodness it was banger! 

The "funk" that I found strange back then is due to Nelson Sauvin hops from New Zealand used in the beer, this hop imparts a very distinct flavour, almost white wine like fruitiness but also umami too, once you become accustomed to it you become totally hooked, and this beer has a ton in it! The Nelson hops are backed up by Simcoe, Mosaic and Citra, the holy trinity of citrus and dank flavours and all together they blow your socks off, a stunning beer, smooth and totally balanced. 

Suffice to say my rating has been significantly revised upwards!

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