Monday, December 12, 2022



I've been playing with the latest version of ChatGPT lately, it's essentially a chatbot with the latest mega-vast knowledge base behind it and some new NLU and NLG tech. The net result is something that you can ask questions of and it dishes out pretty cogent answers. You could point out that that's kind of what Google does these days but ChatGPT is different, with it you can ask questions like "write a noughts and crosses program in Visual Basic" and it will duly comply and write you one, and it works! 

You can also ask more general questions, for example, you can ask it to summarise Bertrand Russell's teapot argument, and it'll dutifully construct a little essay for you doing exactly that. It's pretty amazing. It also remembers context, i.e. it remembers what you've previously asked or said in the conversation, it's not difficult to throw a curved ball by clever use of language but the Natural Language Understanding/Generation tech is as strong as I've seen so far. 

You can see the teapot essay below..

"Bertrand Russell's teapot argument is a thought experiment used to illustrate the concept of philosophical burden of proof. The idea is that there is a hypothetical teapot orbiting the sun somewhere between Earth and Mars, but we have no evidence for or against its existence. Russell argued that it is not up to the person denying the existence of the teapot to provide evidence that it does not exist; rather, it is up to the person claiming that it does exist to provide evidence to support their claim. This thought experiment is often used in discussions of the existence of God or other contentious philosophical topics to highlight the importance of burden of proof in philosophical arguments."

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