Monday, December 19, 2022


Seems like there's a bunch of people getting in trouble for ranting at the moment, here's a round up..

Jeremy Clarkson is suffering a Twitter pile-on for claiming (in an article in the Sun) to "hate" Megan "at a cellular level" and wishing to see her paraded through the streets naked while having faeces thrown at her. Now, I'm no psychologist but sounds like he's a couple of double A's short of a full pack there. Firstly, it's "Clarkson", that should be enough to flag this as immature gob-shite click-bait, a talent for which he is famed the world over. Secondly it's the Sun newspaper, natural home of world class gob-shite's since time immemorial, please, everyone keep calm and carry on, ignoring the twat.

Then we have poor old Elon Musk, Elon paid $44 billion dollars (way over the odds) for Twitter, basically because of a free-speech rant that seems to have gone a bit too far now for him to save face, and since taking over has wallowed in the unwinnable pit of despair that is trying to keep everyone happy, working with a creaking legacy behemoth of a software platform, making money for investors and being totally and utterly out of your depth, all at the same time. Musk even went as far as offering to resign as CEO on the basis of a Twitter poll today, he lost. It would be a shame to see this pioneering social media platform disappear but it seems more likely than ever at the moment.

Lastly we have Gary Neville who waded into the sensitive subject of industrial relations by making some rather unlettered comments about the NHS and rail strikes this week and how the UK Government's treatment of workers is comparable to how Qatar treats migrant workers. I think it's probably fair to say that (millionaire) Gary should probably keep his views on workers rights for his local pub rather than spouting them out during coverage of the World Cup Final, I'm sure he means well but there is a time and a place.


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