Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Christmas - mission accomplished..


And breath! 

That's another Christmas done! Family transported, lunches cooked and consumed, presents exchanged, cheesy films watched and board games played so a big tick there, although, proceedings did seem slightly low key this year, not sure why though? Possibly because we've got no young kids in the family at the moment and there were quite a few people off with the cold virus that's going around, it's interesting how the pandemic has made people more aware of having coughs and sneezes and not wanting to spread them, we had half a dozen no-shows because of that, anyway, hopefully a nice time was had by all. 

We certainly enjoyed our Christmas lunch even though it was just the standard set of ingredients, turkey roast etc.. Probably partly because I managed to avoid making too much food this year! Portion control was much appreciated and we even managed to fit in a Christmas pudding for the first time in about 10 years which made a nice change. I cracked open the bottle of 2009 St. Estephe in the picture above to accompany the main event, the vintage was one of the best this century so far in Bordeaux and this particular wine was singing, although another 10 years in the bottle wouldn't do it any harm at all, such a robust year! Feeling the need for a long walk today, might drive over to the great park and have a stroll around although the weather looks like it might not play ball, anyway as long as we can avoid chocolate today it will be mission accomplished.

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